This vintage design was made for the 50th anniversary of Woodstock that was going to take place in New York. I illustrated this swirl design keeping the “hippie” era in mind. The old VW van was a staple in the 60s and that is why I made the focal point of this poster.
A series of drawings I did on an iPad, this set of drawings was meant to depict the strength of femininity and female empowerment.  The women depicted are drawn without facial features, but are covered in flowers, and are shown to be beautiful in their own skin. As well as the woman depicted there are also vector drawings of people. This style has come increasingly popular over the years.
These stamps were inspired by my love for Disney. Disney always has a way to take you to another world, so with my stamps I wanted to capture each villains world. I illustrated these using the pen tool in Illustrator and I hope you get a feel for each villains distinct persona.
The mirror illustration on the right is for an internship I had with a company called "BeMore". They are all about mental health and wanted an illustration to show how important your mental health truly is.

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